Sunday 1 December 2013

Calling African and World Leaders to #BeTheGeneration to End AIDS, TB and Malaria

(Cape Town, South Africa) This year’s World AIDS Day comes at a historic moment in the fight to defeat not only AIDS but also other life threatening diseases, particularly, TB and malaria. It is a time of great scientific advances, which are giving us the ability to completely control these diseases. We are the generation that can make a transformational difference in the lives of millions of people, if we harness the funds needed to leverage on this opportunity.

Rosemary Mburu, Executive Director for World AIDS Campaign says, “With new tools such as drugs that keep people alive and help prevent transmission of the infection, an AIDS free generation is indeed possible. Without scaled-up financing, however, this will remain a distant ambition”. Her comments came as the Global Fund to fight against AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria is gearing up for 2014-2016 replenishment.

On December 2-3, world leaders will gather in Washington D.C. to demonstrate global unity, and launch funding commitments to defeat AIDS, TB and malaria over the next the three years.  Mark Dybul, Executive Director for The Global Fund says, “Collective efforts from all partners will help us grasp the historical opportunity to defeat the three diseases”. On the eve of World AIDS Day, Worlds AIDS Campaign calls on global, regional and national leadership to seize the opportunity and be the generation that will defeat AIDS, TB and Malaria by renewing their commitments to and vigorously supporting the Global Fund.

Leaders in implementing countries in Africa, can contribute to this launch, in the spirit of shared responsibility, by increasing investments in health from their national budgets as an opportunity to enhance country ownership and sustainability in the programs that fight against AIDS, TB and Malaria.

The 17th International Conference on AIDS and STIs in Africa (ICASA), will hold from 7th-11th December in Cape Town, only a few days after the launch of the Global Fund replenishment. ICASA is an opportunity for African leaders to discuss the status of the epidemic and to renew their commitment to defeating AIDS. It is an opportunity for the international community, and all Africans, to join efforts in committing to achieving an AIDS-free Africa.
This world AIDS day is about “Getting to Zero” by 2015 – Zero AIDS Related Deaths, Zero New Infections and Zero Discrimination.

We call on world, regional and national leaders to find the funds that will make them the generation to end AIDS, TB and Malaria.

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